
Mini Militia Cheats, Chat Codes, Tips and Tricks for Doodle Army 2

Mini Militia Cheats.

Play Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia (Let’s called Mini militia for short) may seem uncomfortable for you, but this game is actually one of the best that has ever been done and formed. Mini Militia embodies various concepts and game strategies that make it unique and exciting to play. In this article, I will show you some Mini Militia Cheats which can greatly help you in the game. And don’t forget to see Mini Militia Mod apk

Before starting to play the game, allows to have a little background on what integrates this game. You can download Mini Militia For iOS and Google play. It is surprising that this game has evolved into becoming one of the game Popular in the Android world and other platforms. It is the kindness and it shows realistic challenges as well.

This game is all about combat. With having to 6 players online or using the local wi-fi, you can train with the Sarge and grind your skills in a setting offline. You can also train in various modes of survival. As for the gun, the multitude of weapons such as sniper rifles and flamethrowers are the different items to choose from.

Mini Militia Cheats, Chat Codes, Tips and Tricks.

Other unique features are its parameters especially with its multiplayer and solo options. More importantly, it is not heavy and easy to install. It requires only 42 MB of space, can be played with up to 6 people, and even more uses Google. And for those that save the data, it is not consume.


With all this in mind, let us enter the main thing, how to play the game and progress through each level. It is actually easy if you know the different ways to do it. Do not worry, we got you for today, here are some tips and guides that you can use while playing Mini Militia.

If you want to get pro pack player and get unlimited battle points then see here’s Mini Militia Cheats, Chat Codes, Hacks, and Tips.

1. The first Mini Militia cheat is to make use of Melee

How to increase your playing time? Make use melee. You melee need to increase your rocket speed. The best way to do this is by meleeing because it can give you an extra lift.

2. When Crouch Fires enemy

When an enemy shoots at you, the best thing to do is to crouch or squat. If you can not escape the grenade being thrown your way, you can reduce the damage to your end by crouching or squatting

3. Have the shield of all time

Like that old saying, nothing beats being prepared and play Mini Militia, being prepared is the key to your survival and a way to do that is to have your shield at all times. When an enemy attacks you, or when a bomb was thrown your way, to have your shield at any time can protect you from having too much damage and even save your life force. Note that the shield can act as your just life raft in case the enemies around you.

4. Copy Paste while chatting

Sometimes you come across that you play in your game, you will encounter disruptions in your talk time and the best way to deal with it is through the use of this technique. Chat while playing can often you wear off so you can answer that copying and pasting by words such as “i like to move-it” and place it on the chat bar and direct you to the automatic time thu.

5. Make use of Mini Militia Cheats chat codes

Having some leeway is always helpful and in this case, the cat codes are your ladder to success. Here are some mini militia cheat codes for chat (Mini Militia chat codes) in the chat you can always:

  • BI – bring
  • UK – loan up
  • LG – let go, yes
  • NN – noooooooooooo
  • GS – get
  • CM – cover me
  • HH – A perfect fighting machine
  • MO – move out
  • CB – come on boy
  • GG – Good Game
  • WP – You want piece of me!
  • NS – Nice shot
  • GM – Oh, they told me!


6. Do not be Immobile

The game is still agility and mobility. Make use of small but useful weapons enabling actions and faster mobility. Do not invest too much on large weapons those weapons can slow you down. On the contrary, use of small arms, and for large weapons, use them according to the location and need.

7. Invest in Battle Points

Battle points are vital and necessary that you play in your game. In order to collect Battle Points, you need to play online. As you must have experienced while playing the game, Battle Points are your means to purchase upgrades and items on the militia mini-store. So without these battle points, the updates may not be achieved. So to gain more battle points and achieve more, the best option to opt for the battles is multiplayer online or browsing options that allow other players.

8. Invest on Regen

You must increase your regen if you want to have a top edge. To do this, you can increase to 50 percent of your jet pack and charging. In addition, the waiting time can be reduced, and enables more stable attacks, and to do that you have to buy regen and invest on it.

9. Use the Regen health

With this game, your health is the key to your success. You must invest in the pack of health so you can recharge your health in double time with Mini Militia Cheats.

10. Buy the Golden Eagle and other items within reach

If you want to earn more and earn more, get the weapon golden eagle. It can be purchased at the militia mini-store to 250 battle points. It can help you in your time of play.

Moreover, you can invest in other elements such as mask pack; reload options faster and faster recharging 1 2 options. You can also choose to buy gas grenade, laser sight and gun clip extender and Handgun Clip Extender.

Mini Militia Cheats Related Post:

With all Mini Militia Cheats, you can play mini militia with less hassle and enjoy the best gaming experience ever.

Tags:  cheat codes for doodle army 2,  mini militia cheats apk, mini, militia pro pack apk, mini militia tips, mini militia tricks.

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  1. How can I fly throw wall and hold two gun at once with unlimited ammo + flying power?

  2. Sarmad Pervaiz says:

    Nice, Helpful Tricks ..

  3. Shubham kashid says:

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  4. Aditya singh says:

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    I use rooted android and i has been got unlimited battle point but not another power which are available in moded
    And should not banned by server

  5. How i can download this thing…….
    Please help me

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