Mini Militia Unlimited Health Hack Apk Download (Latest Pro Pack Mod)

Mini Militia unlimited health latest mod Pro Pack (updated)…

Hi, Today I will share Mini Militia Unlimited Health Hack Apk Download (latest mini militia Pro Pack mod apk). So that you can play in custom rooms without dying in this mod, you can see players hiding in a bush and trees I that transparent so you can clearly see if any player ..scroll hiding out there for screenshots and the download link.

Please read the instructions before installing (if you think playing without dying is boring, you can try other militias Mini Mega mod).

MOD Information:

  • You can play mini militia custom game rooms.
  • Unlimited Health
  • Transparent Bush (no more hide n seek 😀 you can see hiding players 🙂
  • Unlimited Nitro Gas (just fly).
  • Always use First Default gun in your hand don’t change gun and don’t pick up the gun from the floor.

That’s because of hack detection

See also



  • Always use First Default gun in your hand don’t change gun and don’t pick up gun from floor.
  • Don’t pick up or switch guns if you are getting kicked (hack detection).
  • Uninstall old mini militia before installing if you have any problem while installing.

That’s because of hack detection

How Mini Militia Unlimited Health Hack works

One question that is frequently may be asked you/me about the unlimited health of Mini Militia and how this mod hack works? So answer to this question, you need to know a file called, which is at the core of Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia game. All gaming operations are kept in this file, including the number of times bullet hits the player and decreases the health meter accordingly. Other things managed by the file are the number of bullets fired, the bombs thrown and the length of time the jetpack was used.

What we are concerned about is the health monitoring system used in the file and how to hack it to get unlimited health. In reverse engineering this file, we extract the function that is responsible for tracking the health of the Doodles in the game. Once we get the function, we manipulate it by setting the decrement on a shot by the ball to zero. So, in this way, health is never reduced and we receive an unlimited health hack for Mini Militia.


DOWNLOAD LINK BELOW (All in one Mini militia Mod)

Mini Militia Unlimited Health Hack Apk Download Free. It’s better than Android 1, revdl MM Mod. So don’t wait to download it from here.

It’s originally from Wikipedia | Google Play Store

Note: provide only original free apk installer for Mini Militia. Doodle Army 2 Mini Militia is the property and trademark of Appsomniacs LLC Developer.

v3.0.6 Release Notes
– Added Suspension, Crossfire, Cliffhanger maps to Quick Play as voting options.
– Upgraded server security (using login will provide the most security, hack free experience, we can achieve atm.)
– Much improved hack detections and blocking (if you see hackers/cheaters) a lot, make sure you are using a clean non-modified version. If found using modified version an account will not be allowed in secured areas. Play clean and legit then all we have to worry about is lag.
See also:

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  1. give me a ful of the health

  2. give me a tips.. on how to kill that cheater player with unlimited health….
    because it it so annoying… they will not played in a real skills…

  3. How to cheat in this game.

  4. surajjoshi says:

    Unlimited health sir

    1. Mohammad Fardin says:

      Are your unlimited health…….

  5. plzzz give me health,bomb

  6. mohit kulsarestha says:

    Like this game

    1. Unlimited health, bullet, bombs and nictro

    2. Unlimited health armo bombs

  7. For rooted android phone ….I download from here but nothing changed in original and hack

  8. SanuPradhan says:

    unlimited health full kar dena …. …

  9. suraj survase says:

    Plz jaldi naya mod banaye khelna chhata hoon

    1. suraj survase says:

      Unlimited health mat banana

    2. thanks for sharing mini militia mod

  10. Hack keche kare yaar?

  11. Hake kevi rite kare 6 yar.

    1. Vanrajsinh parmar says:

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  12. Besheba sushanthi says:

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  13. Besheba sushanthi says:

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  14. Besheba sushanthi says:

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  15. really unlimited health and ammo and nitro

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    1. Please tell me how to downdload the mini
      militia hac version

  17. Krishna khulal says:

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  18. Krishna khulal says:

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  21. David Jeremiah C. Tilitile says:

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  24. Piyus Agarwalla says:

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    1. Doodle Army 2 says:

      1. First Download apk file from above
      2. after downloaded, go to the file location and tap on it to install
      3. Done
      4. Now open mini militia game. and go to the upgrade option to see… 🙁

  25. Rahul kanwar says:

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  26. give me unlimited helth please

  27. Tarlochan Singh says:

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  28. Please provide a mod with unlimited boost and health and ammo

  29. Mini milta unlimited health

  30. raja waseem malik says:

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  31. shivakumar m says:

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  32. I’ve downloaded the app but my phone is showing it can’t open … plz guide…

  33. sahil patel says:

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  34. Vanrajsinh parmar says:

    Mini militia unlimited health mod

  35. Angel Arora says:

    Awesome game. Is there any way to get unlimited gun shots? If yes, please reply to this comment and let me know the cheat code.

    It would be thoroughly helpful. 🙂

  36. After playing some time why it’s becoming hang …and not working

  37. Anuj pandey says:

    Unlimited. Health of mini militia

  38. karansidhu says:

    This is real no fake

  39. patel Dhrumil says:

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  40. Mini militia .Mod unlimited gun

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    1. vickykukna says:

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  45. Steve okifi says:

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  49. Biraj bhuyan says:

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  50. hardikahir says:

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    1. Doodle Army 2 says:

      Bro.. which file you downloaded from here then you got per chasing package?? Please explain here with file name, Device name and android version.

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  63. Tata Emile says:

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  65. Yograj singh says:

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    1. Doodle Army 2 says:

      Please, download the mods from download section..

  66. Pinthi dera says:

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  67. JOGENDRA SINGH says:

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