Mini Militia Tips and Tricks to To Win Every Match (Doodle Army 2 Game)

Mini Militia Tips and Tricks.

Doodle Army 2: Mini militia has always been our favorite multiplayer game. You must fight with your friends to win the glory and must follow Mini Militia Tips. To win every match and battle with them as an expert, you need to know some tips and tricks for Mini Militia. You would have spent hours playing the militia mini game. Before reading this post, please answer the questions below. Follow them if you fail in the battles. And militias man don’t forget to see Mini Militia Invisible Hack + Add Face+ Background Change.

– Are you a newbie to mini militia?
– Do you deserve to become a pro gamer in mini militia?
– Are you failing to get high scores and ranks?
– Have you ever felt that you need to improve your skills?
– Do you want to master the game?

Recently, some Mini Militia Newbie left us questions about the tips and tricks of the Mini Militia game. If you are one of them and wondering “Why do I fail to get a high score and rank?”, You should read this post.

If the answer is YES to the questions above, then this post is finally for you. There are few mini militia tricks and settings with which you can master the game. After reading these mini militia tips and tricks, you can definitely improve your skills and compete well with your opponents. If you are already a pro player then you can skip these steps :/

See also : Common Mini Militia Problems and How to Fix them


Mini Militia Tips and Tricks

Mastering Mini Militia takes time. But for a Newbie, it becomes a pain in the a**. Neither he/she knows about those small tricks in the Mini Militia game that creates a large difference. Add to that the hacker he has to face and players with higher rank.

These Mini Militia tips are for both Android and iOS. Once you go through these tips, tricks, and techniques, the next time you are on the field in Mini Militia, I assure you 80% improvement in your Gameplay (win).

 Avoid Hackers

This game is full of hackers and mod users. Most likely, they do not match up with you in quick play. But in the personalized Mini Militia game, they can play with you. You can not win against them without hacking. Piracy is not a good choice. This will reduce the pleasure of playing mini-militia. So the best choice is to avoid hackers. Do not play with them.

Most importantly these Doodle Army 2 tips and tricks are best for those of you who hate Mini militia hack and mods and want to win fair games.

Get Pro Pack: Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia Tips

Get Pro pack if you want to get extra features that will help you win every battle. You can unlock powerful weapons that are not available for the free version. Also, you can use double handed gun that is a must to win every battle. Most players use pro pack and always they benefit from additional features. This will reduce your chance of killing them and winning the game. So, Pro pack is required.

Do you want to get free mini militia pro pack? Then keep eye here  Mini Militia Pro Pack.

Master The Weapons

This Mini Militia game depends a lot on your mastery in using weapons. Here are some tips and tricks for using weapons –

  • Try to increase your accuracy by playing more and buy the increase in precision increase from store.
  • Change the gun when before it is out of ammo.
  • Do not wait for your gun to recharge automatically. Recharge your gun whenever you can.
  • Always use better weapons than you are comfortable with. Someone can love the shotgun, Someone can love the sniper, or someone may like the double shotgun.
  • Use the one you are comfortable with. Sometimes some guns are better in a specific card.
Keep your cool eye on using gun on the game (Mini militia tips) –

Play With Maximum Player

Try to play Mini Militia game with maximum players. The more players, the more you can kill. The more you kill, the more points you get. These points will help you increase your rankings and your skill points. It also gives you Battle Point that you can use to purchase items in the store.

Battle Tips And Tricks

  • Hide in the bush and give surprise to your enemy.
  • Attack opponents before they attack you.
  • Crouch when battling and if there is grenade near you. It will reduce your hp damage.
  • Don’t waste your bombs. Use them by aiming correctly. Sometimes you may be got killed by your own bomb.
  • When you have got a shield, use it. That’s is much effective than any better gun.

Gameplay Mini Militia Tips :

  • Change background to increase game experience. Here is the background Change tutorials.
  • In close fights leave grenade instantly.Quickly leave grenade in close encounters
  • Block annoying ads in the Mini Militia game. This will save your time watching video ads. If you do not know how to block ads, know here how to block ads.
  • Crouch down near a grenade to minimize the damage. Crouch down when you have to shoot this makes less of your body vulnerable to bullets.
  • If you don’t feel bored, Play in a specific map always. It will help you to know everything about the map.
  • Leave a gas grenade (green bomb) and nearby mines (sensor bomb) to the point that you respawn. It kills other players who reappear in the same place giving you extra points without doing much.Leave gas bombs at points you respawn
  • When you are surrounded by enemies. Throw grenades downwards and suicide. Don’t let them take points.
  • If you see the red arrow mark indicating enemy nearby. Keep throwing grenades in that direction.
  • Suicide with a bomb if you think your weapon and health and not enough to kill the opponent.
  • Use the Melee (hand) button while flying to go faster. This gives you an extra push. But do not forget to keep your gun point in the same direction as you move.
  • (On poor health) When your opponent throws a grenade do not move back or you are going to be moving with the grenade and that could turn fatal rather move forward in front of the grenade direction.
  • When you die and about to respawn. Keep the jetpack pad pulled up and tap continually on the melee (hand) button when the point table is shown. This will prevent you from dying from the green bomb to the respawn point.

    Run away from respawning point to not die..
    Run away from respawning point to not die.
  • Most players do not improve their weapons at the store. The store’s add-ons offer additional features (gas bombs, precision) for your combat points. Go to Settings> Store to get them.
  • Buy Pro Pack if you like to play online. This will cost you $ 1, but unlocks many features. Or you can download Mini Militia Hack from here for free!
  • EMP guns can also defuse the proximity or sensor bombs.
  • Choose 2x Zoom from Settings>Configure>2x View. Not many players know about this.
  • Collect Everything.- You just killed an opponent, or other one died, Go Grab All of their Bombs asap.

During Game Play Tips Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia

Follow these Mini Militia tips and tricks on Android and iOS to win games easily.

  • When the Mini Militia game starts, do not run into a fight to kill someone. First get yourself fully equipped with good guns.
  • Best Weapon combination shotgun + sniper.
  • Run opposite to the direction of Bomb thrown.
  • Always have 2 guns in hand.
  • Place sensor bombs in bushes.
  • Try to attack other players already engaged in fire. Easily killable because of their low health.
  • Reload when no one is around.
  • You can kill a person with Shield by using melee (hand) button, grenade, and Rocket Launcher.

    Shield can protect you from sawCutter and Missiles. MIni Militia tips
    With perfect block, you can even protect yourself from missile and saw cutter.
  • Shoot into Bushes before passing through them. There may be enemies hiding behind it.

Lastly, Think fast or the opponent will show no mercy.

We hate all laggy players. But like that or not, we have to meet such players every day. Sometimes they move very quickly like a flash, and sometimes they get stuck in the air and do not move. Shoot a few balls on them sooner or later when these players come out of the lag they will die giving you points.

Mini Militia Tips and Tricks for improving winning  skill

Most of the general tips are covered up/down, That will help you improve your gaming skill with winning matches. Let me be clear that there is a difference between the two.

  • Try to polish your skills in online Mini Militia games without a pro pack. Pro-pack guns are powerful and tactical but many of the times unreliable. An AK47 or M16 can serve you better than the flamethrower or even an sniper in some cases.
  • Finding a dependable gun should be your first priority after spawning. Trying to jump right in the hot battle zone doesn’t pay off often.
  • The above tip works best for players falling in between the beginner -pro spectrum. Helps you tackle difficult situations along with improving your aim.
  • As soon as the opponent approaches you thinking of you as an easy target, switch the gun and surprise him. You will also be able to see better with a 3x zoom instead of 2x.  And keep your shotgun/flamethrower hidden and keep a basic gun(pistol or uzi) in hand.
  • Fell down the cliff amidst a battle waiting to die and give away the points? Just throw a grenade of smoke and commit suicide in the open air. This way, you will not give points.
  • Always make best use of the two gun slots. The best combinations can be a short-range, long-range weapon, such as a sniper or rocket launcher and a rifle. An automatic and non-automatic weapon can be used as an AK47 or sub gun with a sniper/rifle.
  • If the enemy has a flamethrower get very close the enemy. The flames won’t affect you that way.
  • Charge towards an enemy firing with double guns and finish him off by switching to a shotgun as soon as you go near him.
  • Trust me he will fall for the mine as it is almost impossible to locate mines with 7x zoom. A very good way to take a sniper is to approach him so that it is visible on your screen and plant a mine somewhere near you. Stay away from the firing line. Now, the natural tendency of the sniper will move and be charging towards you.
  • Go to settings > configure > and activate the 2x option. Now you can have a wider view while playing.
  • Reload your gun whenever possible. The idea is to try to keep the magazine full when you land in combat. Sometimes it’s just a bullet that can make a difference.
  • When two opponents are fighting, just grab the machette and cut both of them down. Check your fuel before jumping in.

Hold a sense of sportsmanship while playing the Mini Militia game. Do not use Cheats mods. Do not gas the strawberry site because it is unethical to do so. If you want to excel in the game, do not play with a mentality of just winning the Doodle Army 2: Mini Militia game in some way. I am also against switching suicides.

Best Weapon Combination

Close Range – Shot Gun and Flame Thrower.

Long Range – Sniper Rifle, Saw Cutter, and Rifle. You need great skills to use them

Medium Range – M4 (5x) and AK47 (4x)

See more info on wikipedia.

Use the revolver to take down players with low health at a Medium range instead of the Uzi. See Mini Militia Unlimited Health Hack.

Follow the mini tricks, tricks, and tricks of the militia to improve your rankings and scores. So, these are some tricks and tricks of the Mini Militia. Try to implement them and look at your points and their ranks grow rapidly. Give us your feedback and tell us which one you liked best. If you have a tip or a tip, share it with us.

Incoming searches:

  • mini militia tips and tricks on android to kill.
  • how to rank up fast, doodle army 2 secrets.
    mini militia how to get battle points, weapons
  • doodle army 2 tips and tricks.
  • Mini militia tricks,
  • No root required.
  • mini militia tips and tricks ios.

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  1. tinu aakaash says:

    Nice hack but for me me not coming please any one say how to hack it is a superrrr game .

  2. No unlimited health nd zoom hack plzz guide me

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